
Me and My New Best Friend

by: Kevin Cameron

Kevin Cameron is a DoD-certified military dog trainer and owner of Alpha K9. With over a decade of service and experience training developing and leading military police dog teams, he continues to provide soldiers and families with key training and behavior modification for their dogs and house pets.

The Cameron Method: Service Dog Training Fundamentals

Kevin Cameron is a decorated Combat Veteran, mental health professional, and former military K9 trainer. Internationally recognized for his work with working dogs and Veterans, he now spans the globe teaching and sharing the expertise he has developed through his military & professional experiences.

Certified to train law enforcement, military, and mental health professionals, K. Cameron brings this book to serve as a developmental guide for young trainers giving the foundational knowledge needed to train a service dog.

Laws of Parental Warfare: A Realistic Guideline to Parenting

Most parents don't feel like they have their shit together and have no clue how they will keep those tiny humans alive. Many of us feel like raising a kid(s) is more like a plotline out of a mission-impossible movie than reality, but if you look around, you can see that it's possible. Many people should have been swallowed at conception and have managed to raise good kids, so you can too. I don't care where you come from; parents face universal issues. It doesn't matter if you are white, black, red, orange, or blue; well, if they are blue, you might want to get them to a doctor because they might have an issue. This guide outlines how to win the battle of raising kids and addresses common parental issues that walk in my clinical office.

Clinical Based Research

Cameron, K. (2023) Defining Elemental Components of Veteran Cultural Competency for Mental Health Professionals. Advances in Applied Sociology, 13, 309-316. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2023.134019.

Cameron, K. (2023) Veteran Evolution: Re-Classifying the Military and Veterans as Independent Cultures. Advances in Applied Sociology, 13, 47-95. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2023.131005.

Cameron, K. (2023) Veteran Evolution Therapy. Advances in Applied Sociology, 13, 674-692. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2023.139043.

Cameron, K. P. (2022). Veteran Evolution: Re-Classifying the Military and Veterans as Independent Cultures (Doctoral project, California Southern University, 2022).

Cameron, K. P. (2020). Elemental Components of Veteran Cultural Competency (Doctoral project, California School of Professional Psychology Alliant International University, 2020).

Cameron, K. P. (2019). Efficacy of Working Dog Training Principles, Anchor Therapy Clinic, 2019).

Cameron, K. P. (2015). Service Dog Training Principles, Alpha K9 Service Program, 2015).